Travel Bloggers You Should Be Following

By: Melvine Khalobwa

Posted on Thursday, November 26, 2020

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The Girlies Trip in Lamu by Just Rioba

Travel season is around and at times we want to visit our dream destinations but we think travelling is expensive. Do you know that you don’t have to break the bank to have an awesome experience? Yes, you can save and visit interesting sites on a budget! Well, here are travel bloggers that you need to know and follow as they have detailed plans for all types of places and an itinerary on how to travel cheap. 

1. Winnie Rioba  

Popularly known as Just Rioba on all her socials, she is definitely the person to follow for that Kenyan/African travel experience.  She is an adventure travel blogger who has been doing this since 2016. Rioba has a personal blog where she shares details of her trips, captivating photos and videos and experiences. Her travelling tips show you how you can travel on a budget, balance travelling and a 9-5 job, do solo trips and even how you can still save money while travelling. 

Recently, she introduced a Girlies Trip Edition where she hosts trips for a group of girls to a destination agreed upon by the group after they register on her website. So far, she has been to over 20 African countries and she says her goal is to visit all by the time she is 30 years old. If you are able and willing to save money from your 9-5 job, forgo weekend outings, concerts and fancy food then Rioba is the right person to follow. 

2. The Kenyan Camper 

The Kenyan camper is your typical Kenyan dude who has a penchant for travel, wildlife, camping and photography and has been doing it for 15 years. His traveling style entails mostly camping, hiking and exploring places that are mostly in Kenya. What drove him towards travelling was his passion to meet, interact and create memories with new people from all walks of life. 

On his blogs, he advises people about all matters camping, perfect camping sites, bandas and self-catering items that one should always carry as he mostly cooks for himself. His trips usually start as early as 5am due to a lot of unplanned stops where he captures the scenic views he comes across, picnic spots and hidden gems along the way.  

On his trips he also wakes up that early to capture the glorious morning sunrise and as the day progresses, he also takes wildlife shots. He does not have a specific travel budget range as he said he sometimes dines in high end establishments and other times he finds himself sleeping in holes.  

His travel plans are ideal for those people who do not have a 9-5 or are on leave as they are basically road trips that can even last up to 4 days in the camping sites. 

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The Kenya Camp with the locals on his Lake Turkana visit.

3. Marion Mithamo  

Marion Mithamo of Scrapbook Journeys is a travel and lifestyle blogger who started her travelling journey in 2015 to pursue a passion filled life after quitting her job. She focuses on giving travel tips and reviews on where to go and interesting things to do in Kenya. Marion discusses travelling on a budget, travelling safe during this Covid-19 period and other interesting travelling hacks. She also links up with other travel bloggers and documents their experiences for us to see and gain tips. 

Marion posts all her work on Instagram and she also has a blog, Scrapbook Journeys where she documents her experiences and travel tips. Her travelling style is all round so if you are open to any type of travel and would like to link up with other travel enthusiasts, Marion is the travel blogger for you.   

Before travelling, there are basics like researching your destinations, proper planning and booking in advance. You should also know the traditions of the locals in your travel destination.  

Research will also give you a clear understanding of what to expect once you get to your destination. Happy travelling!